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Spay & Neuter Pricing

At Companion Animal Hospital, we offer high-quality neuter services for dogs and spay and neuter services for cats. Our experienced staff provides safe and reliable procedures to help prevent pet overpopulation and to ensure that all pets receive the quality care they deserve.

We provide a variety of services, click here to find out more!


All procedures require a pre-surgical exam that CANNOT be done the same day as the procedure

All pets must have proof of current Rabies vaccination. If pet is not up-to-date on Rabies vaccination, vaccination can be given for $20.

Click here for pricing for other services.

*Prices Subject to Change*

Dog Neuter (Male)

Estimate includes anesthesia, surgery, IV catheter, e-collar (cone), antibiotic and pain injections. 


  • pain injection         $35.50

  • antibiotic injection  $32.50

  • iv catheter              $32.50

  • e collar                   $16.50 + tax

  • neuter                    (varies by weight)

1-20 lbs     $120

21- 45 lbs  $140

46- 80 lbs  $180

80+ lbs      $240

labrador thinking about spay and neuter

Additional Costs:

Over 6 months of age: Additional $30 charge

Pain medication to go home: $25-$35

Antibiotics to go home: $30-$50

Optional Services:

Microchip: $39.50

Electrocardiogram Screen: $120

Cat Spay (Female)

Estimate includes anesthesia, surgery, IV catheter, e-collar (cone), antibiotic and pain injections. 


  • pain injection         $35.50

  • antibiotic injection  $32.50

  • iv catheter              $32.50

  • e collar                   $16.50 + tax

  • spay                       $140

Additional Costs:

Over 6 months of age: Additional $30 charge

In Heat/Overweight/Pregnant: Additional $30 charge

Pain medication to go home: $25-$35

Antibiotics to go home: $30-$50

Optional Services:

Microchip: $39.50

Electrocardiogram Screen: $120

Cat Neuter (Male)

Estimate includes anesthesia, surgery, e-collar (cone), antibiotic and pain injections. 


  • pain injection         $35.50

  • antibiotic injection  $32.50

  • e collar                   $16.50 + tax

  • neuter                    $80

Additional Costs:

Pain medication to go home: $25-$35

Antibiotics to go home: $30-$50

Optional Services:

Microchip: $39.50

Electrocardiogram Screen: $120

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